My Updated Blogging and Instagram Routine while Working Full-Time

it has taken me A LOT to find my right balance but I think I am finally ready to tell you My Updated Blogging and Instagram Routine while Working Full-Time.
My Updated Blogging and Instagram Routine while Working Full-Time
Location: Home | Photography: 35mminstyle | Edits: 35mminstyle | Camera: Canon 5D Mark II |
Since my previous post with my top tips of blogging while working full-time, things have changed a lot. My blogging routine was nonexistent and I always felt like I wasn’t doing a lot and missing on the best part of blogging: enjoying it.
My full-time job is always the same (I am an e-commerce photographer and post-production editor) meaning I am behind a camera and a laptop 8 hours a day. It is tiring, some days more than others but it is a happy routine. I love my work environment and I am happy with having the security of a job.
But on the other side, I struggle to find the balance for the creative side of blogging and shooting. Hence, why it has taken me A LOT to find my right balance but I think I am finally ready to tell you My Updated Blogging Routine while Working Full-Time. I am focusing on mainly two aspects: the blog itself and my Instagram page, simply because they are my favourite media.

Schedule My Blog Posts
I have a few categories on my blog, not to mention the portfolio part, and I have decided that what works for me is writing 1/2 posts per week. More than that is simply impossible because there is not enough time in one week. Basically my schedule has now become really simple.
- Saturday or Sunday is the day to write 1/2 posts for the week after
- Saturday is also when I edit the images for the posts
- Shooting day is one weekend morning or any week nights
- Every category needs to be updated, so content will follow this line. The category with the oldest post is the one I will write about first.

Sharing the Post
One of my favourite part of blogging is also going around in the blogosphere and see what other bloggers love, have done, have been. But of course, this takes time and concentration for me. And if I do it late at night, I then can’t sleep.
Having said that, I have decided to stick ‘Commenting on other blogs‘ on Sunday afternoon or in the evening any other day of the week I feel like doing it. I don’t want to be too strict in scheduling this part.
As for sharing, it is still something I organise the Sunday afternoon after having a post or two ready. Honestly, this part to me is very boring.

Overall the blog part has become very structured in an easy-fast way according to my busy full-time working schedule. I use the weekend to do the heaviest part of blogging while keeping the week to do the easy part when I feel I can do it. So that I have less pressure on myself on being able to achieve all the goals.
what’s in the pics: Alexa Chung IT / Sunny Life Radio / Jo Malone Fresia Candle / Howl by Ginsberg

Instagram Schedule
With Instagram I have do get obsessed every now and then. And now I definitely am. Short story: Instagram has always been my favourite social media (of course I am a photographer) but after the chronological swift to a non-sense algorithm logic of showing feed, I simply hated it and I rarely touched it for one year. My followers dropped but I couldn’t find a way to survive. Now I finally have found a very strict schedule that works for me. Read it below.

My Instagram Routine
Everyday all I do with Instagram is this routine:
- I post once a day as soon as I wake up 7 AM
- I then share the post in Telegram groups, comment for 15-25m
- I repeat the same thing at 1PM when it’s lunch break
- I repeat the same sharing part at 7PM / 9PM / 11PM
It seems like a lot of work but I have seen a good growth and I actually enjoy doing it. Of course this may work well for me because my job is a 9-6 daily job, so accordingly to yours, I am good to say, this schedule can work adjusted for you too.

I really really hope this post may be helpful and give you an idea that having a blog while working full-time is a hell lot of work but if handled, it gets easier. My problem before was the pressure of wanting to do too much, after I realised that was impossible and frustrating, keeping the consistency of uploading has become much more manageable.
Let me know if you also struggle to find a balance or you have found your blogging routine.
Remember to Pin this post for later!