Collect inspiration today to use it tomorrow 35mminstyle

Collect Inspiration Today To Use It Tomorrow

Collect inspiration today to use it tomorrow 35mminstyle

When you work in a creative environment, or when you’re trying to develop your own voice – whether you want to be a writer, a photographer, a painter, or even a crafty maker –, you understand the importance of inspiration.

Inspiration is the light that guides your way out of routine and familiar places to help you to create something new and exciting. But without inspiration, the journey doesn’t go anywhere.

Collect inspiration today to use it tomorrow 35mminstyle

Think of a sailor lost at sea without a compass; there are so many directions in which you could sail, but only one that takes you where you need to be. Inspiration serves as guidance. But more importantly, inspiration doesn’t appear out of the blue. It’s something you cultivate by collecting the little things that make you wonder. The more items you keep, the easier it gets to find your creative path.

Meeting new people and visiting new places play a significant role. You discover new ways of thinking, which you can repurpose at a later time. But, ideally, you need a box of inspiration-loaded objects you can touch, look at or listen to when you’re trying to find your next idea.

We all need a journal

The art of journaling is not only relaxing, but it can help you to tap into unexplored topics. Many creative artists and writers have an idea journal in which they record the thoughts that pop into their mind, the surprising things they discover, or the funny phrases they hear. An idea journal, ultimately, lets you organise your thoughts as they occur – as explained here

It’s up to you what you want to use it; blogging or painting, for example. What matters is to make it an ongoing process. Keeping a notebook in your bag to write down everything that attracts your attention can help you to remember many ideas!

Collect inspiration today to use it tomorrow 35mminstyle
Collect inspiration today to use it tomorrow 35mminstyle

Music has a way of opening new doors in your mind

Some activities can encourage the creative process. Something like music, for instance, which has an emotional connection with the mind, can help you to increase your focus and enhance your creativity. It’s not uncommon for writers, for example, to have a favourite playlist when they’re working on their novels! You too can create a playlist of your favourite songs to help you get in the right mood. You’ll find that Spotify is a good source of inspiration.

However, if you can’t see a specific piece on Spotify, you might be able to find it elsewhere, such as on Youtube. To add a video clip to your playlist, you can easily convert media files into MP3 audio. Check this guideline for more As a rule of the thumb, it’s a good idea to have different options, so that you can tap into different creative impulses.  

Collect inspiration today to use it tomorrow 35mminstyle

What the eye sees today, the mind dreams tomorrow

Last, but not least, many people find inspiration in the presence of nature. If an outdoor escape is not in your calendar, why not create photo albums of your favourite natural landscapes instead? You’ll be surprised by how much your brain reacts to the colour of a leaf or the shape of a cloud.

In your inspiration box, you need a mix match of items. Musical background meets dreamy photos, and you can combine your everyday anecdotes in a journal that brings everything together.

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Collect inspiration today to use it tomorrow 35mminstyle

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