I learned to Stop Undervaluing Myself and Why You Should Too

This has really been a transitioning period for me, because of life and work, now I need to share with you that I learned to stop undervaluing myself. And why you should too.

Lately, I talked about my current story at work, how draining it is becoming for me and my creative self, which you can catch up in the ultimate remedy to avoid blog procrastination. In short, my full-time job as an e-commerce photographer & post-production editor does not leave enough space for blogging.
And I started feeling extremely guilty for not being able to do both. Every evening back from work, I have no strength to open again the computer and start working on the blog. I feel guilty for seeing my friends, for chilling or watching Netflix.
I am slowly realizing that this time of chilling is necessary for our inner self, in order to be productive we need to take care of ourselves. Inside the most intense blogging schedule while working full-time, some hours dedicated only to us are necessary to avoid burn-out. By this, I don’t mean meal times. Half an hour is not enough.
Therefore I arrived at another conclusion because of the deepest anger I feel every day at work. I know that you can relate very much with me, hence today I will write about why we need to stop undervaluing ourselves.
Yes, and I will repeat it: you as well.
Stop undervaluing yourself. As a human being, as a creative, as a blogger.
I learned to Stop Undervaluing Myself and Why You Should Too
A self-introspection
I will start by talking about my story and my way of thinking which is pretty much a no-follow-type of behaviour.
Easily, I have always been hypercritical with myself. Too curvy, too bad at makeup, not good enough at speaking English, not good enough at singing, not good enough at blogging… I can keep adding actions to this list forever.
But who determines these parameters but me?
No one.
And I know most of you do the same. We tend to judge ourselves so critically and to auto-destroy ourselves pretty often. Instead, we should look at ourselves with a more fair perspective. I am still walking my road towards self-awakening and I need to improve the way I see myself. But I know I am not alone.

what I am wearing: ASOS hat / I am top / Subdued Skirt / Rayban Round Sunnies
The process to notice this is different for each one of us. I realised that I was just wasting my time judging myself so hard when I compared myself with people with a higher position than me at work.
OMG, that was like crushing through the wall.
I had always taken for granted how people higher than me must be expert in their job – even older people. And I always took for granted that everything I know, well, everybody else would have known too. I am talking about social bias here and low self-esteem.
I couldn’t be any wronger!
Not only I wasn’t giving myself enough credits but I was also putting my bosses on a podium of some sort for no reason at all (in my case of course!).

What I used to Think Every Single Day
I don’t know if this happens to you as well, but I have always thought everybody is intelligent and smart. They must be. I am sure there is a specific skill anyone is incredible It only depends by how introvert or extrovert that person is to show it. But the talent is there.
Regarding myself instead, I have always thought that I was mediocre, standard and average doing everything. That anybody else was capable of doing the same things I did. They just needed to apply themselves. And everybody can do this in my mind.
Work (or I should say life) proved me wrong.
How I Learned to STOP Undervaluing Myself
I already told you my disappointment of having people at work who doesn’t even know the simplest English grammar notions or the basic codes behind a site (damn it, we work at an e-commerce site – how is this possible?).
But it is true.
Not everybody is you. And what you can do, probably not everybody can. Once you learn that, it is then time to promote you, to value yourself, to truly accept what you can do and be proud of it.
After having seen how ignorant some people are because they don’t even try to learn, I changed my perspective.
What I thought it was common before, I now think it is not.
- Not everybody can code.
- Not everybody can photograph. Yes, they can click a button but they don’t have the photographer’s eye.
- Not everybody understands English and accents.
- Not everybody is curious.
- Not everybody is critical and questions rules.
- Not everybody is humble.

And above all, not everybody is you.

And You Should Stop Undervaluing Yourself Too
Now after years of betraying myself and my skills, I tell you that even if you keep a blog as a side passion, you’re more interesting and smart than most people. You’re curious, you want to learn and to share.
Stop taking everything for granted.
People tell you laughing that blogging is a hobby. Hell no. It’s another skill of yours. You can write, work the internet, prepare and edit pictures. You also have to manage all your social media. You are the boss of yourself and never forget that.
Sorry if I got I little intense here but I am really tired of witnessing crap every day.
So tell me how critical are you with yourself?

Also if you want to know more about my journey lately, I have linked these previous posts for you to read. Both are connected to my journey to self-care and the troubles of blogging while working full-time in a similar job.
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