Inspiring Blogging Books Every Blogger & Biz Owner Should Read

You have to know that I have always loved books and in the last year I have been diving into the top blogging books every blogger and business owner should read.
When you have a passion you simply can’t stop. It happened to me before with film photography where I get super excited to try out new film rolls and new cameras as it happens nowadays with blogging.
Blogging unites my passions and creativity under the same umbrella: I can talk of writing, photography and planning. Moreover, if you are a blogger or a business owner there is one step forward you should do which is: reading!
Inspiring Blogging Books Every Blogger & Biz Owner Should Read

Reading improves our skills and our knowledge but also stories inspire us. Getting deep with a real-life storytelling of someone similar to us who was able to achieve its own success, well it’s a great lesson.
Since we are in quarantine but also for normal times, dedicating some hours during the week to reading is a big investment for any blogger and biz owner. I still remember when I used to only read fiction and the difference now that I alternate fiction and more business-oriented books.
But since I started as a fashion blogger and photographer I want to give you a selection of inspiring books even visually. To this extent, I have divided my selection into two big groups: Books for the Fashion Lovers and Book for the Girlbosses.
But there is more! I have created an extra PDF you can download with my review of 3 more books on the subject I would define “from inspiration to business”. These 3 books are the ones that made me change my way of thinking of blogging. Before I was blogging in my spare time as a hobby but after reading those, I started wondering: “why not making it my job?”. More about this at the end of the post!
For now let’s start with the first selection of books for the fashionista and photography addicted.
Top Books for Fashion & Photography Lovers
I have 3 books to suggest you if you are a fashionista, you love style or you like good photography. So let’s start immediately.

1.The New Fashion Rules by Inthefrow
Victoria has released this book last year and it has quickly become a little Bible for fashion gurus and style lovers. The book is very small but so heavy because it’s full of information about the history of fashion.
She tells how things have changed especially since bloggers have dictated and opened new doors to this once very closed world.
Her tips start from how to be accessible and easy to find to be aware of the impact. She focuses on how to be innovative, culturally aware and diverse. It’s a great read, very informative and full of notions you may have never heard of.

My favourite part is the fashion blogging evolution chapter. This evolution started in 2005 in America (Perez Hilton anyone?) and grow every year a lot more. She tells her view and her blog story whilst giving us the top tips on how to start a blog.
“Chat with other bloggers to make friends in the community, on every social channel, and over time it will help you to get your blog out there.”
I adore this quote because blogging is all about interacting with others. I don’t understand bloggers who don’t take time to read other bloggers posts and leave an honest comment – that’s one of my favourite parts!
Perfect for: any blogger and fashion lover

2.It by Alexa Chung
Who remembers Alexa when she did a Tv program where she interviewed Hollywood stars? I did. I started appreciating her and her style back then. And I got my hands on this book during my year in Milan. I still remember how happy I was to be able to get my hands on an international book in Italy (side note: in my hometown that would have been impossible plus Amazon wasn’t so famous at that moment).
So I had it! I also remember posting a hideous photo on instagram of this book and a pair of socks (what problem did I have?) and Alexa replied and liked my photo. Back in 2013, it really meant a lot!
“How to rage: Get a balloon and a best friend. Go to a festival in a desert. be 24.”
Alexa Chung
Anyway, let’s talk about the book. This book is a selection of photographs and drawings. Alexa Chung has an amazing eye and even just with images, you can read a story. It’s very inspiring – she was the first IT girl for a reason.

It’s also her story so you will read about her experience and her path towards fashion.
“When I was thirteen I spent a lot of time pretending to like dance music because everyone at my school seemed to love it.”
Alexa Chung
Her photographs from a first glance may have no connection one to the other but following her guide, you will see the patterns that created her unique fashion style.
Perfect for: photographer and fashionista

3.InstaStyle by Tezza
This is not just a book for Instagram, this is a book to help you collect ideas, improve your photography style and get serious with your Instagram game.

“It will also make creating content on Instagram more enjoyable and meaningful, knowing that you are making it to achieve a higher goal.”
Tezza shows you her unique method and gives you tons of photography tips and how to use your phone at its best. Just like I showed you how to improve your personal style, she tells you the difference about lights, how to read your Instagram statistics, how to calculate your engagement and also how to create an effective content plan.
This book is full of great info plus the layout is very addictive, you can’t stop reading it. What she tells you about Instagram can be used for other platforms as well: think of Pinterest or think of your blog.

If you are like me and you have lost your love for Instagram, this book is the right medicine to help you rediscover the good side of it. Do it because it is fun and don’t care about followers and likes. These metrics are nonsense, let’s focus on interaction instead.
Reading this visually beautiful blogging book will give you broader know-how on things. She states very clearly an important fact for every content creator out there: determine your mission!
In fact, the second title for Tezza’s book is ‘Curate – Create – Elevate’ – don’t you think it is straight to the point?
Perfect for: Instagrammers and photographer
After these 3 amazing books full of inspiration and insights on fashion and the blogosphere, it is time to level up the game and start to plan and think like a girl boss.
now it’s time for girlbosses
Top Books for the Girlboss
Beware! These 2 books will empower you and give the strength to achieve your bigger goals! What am I talking about? Of course, we start from the creator of the #girlboss movement Sophia Amoruso. Then we move to a blogger friend who wrote about feeling connected not divided.

1.Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso
She is THE boss! If don’t know who she is, catch up on the Netflix series Girlboss: it’s all about her story and of how created Nastygal, the online vintage store. Nowadays, she lost Nastygal but she is the founder and CEO of Girlboss which is a world phenomenon.
She is also been in charge of organising The Girlboss Rally which is a 3 days convention for businesswomen from all other the world but mainly from the US. Anyway, I always wanted to go to networking events of such.
What? Yes, she is a boss.
But let’s go back to the blogging book of all. If I think of an example for the category blogging in books my first thought would immediately go towards Girlboss. Sophia writes in a very magnetic way and she inspires me to be fearless and mad. To dream big and to follow my gut.
“Don’t give up, don’t take anything personally, and don’t take no for an answer.”
Sophia Amoruso
You might have read this quote anywhere but it is so powerful. In the book, Sophia tells us about her early years from school time to bad jobs. Also jobs not fitted for her and about her passions. She is very open about high and lows. Because it’s how you react from low periods that show your true potential.
Her story is such an example. She talks about failure, about being fired and about firing if you are on the other side of the game. She doesn’t hide anything and I appreciate her determination to stay authentic to herself so much.
Perfect for: inspiration, newbie bloggers, everyone, this book is a MUST read!

2.Girl Code by Cara Alwill Leyba
This blogging book is from an American girl who paved her own way through social media and blogging. After a very negative childhood, she fights back and becomes the founder of .
In this books, she gathers around other female business owners who have changed their storyline. Bosses to share their insights and to give you tips.
The most important one is not to fight between one another. We girls shouldn’t be jealous of the success of other girls but are empowered by that! Be happy for them, asking for suggestions and the focus on ourselves with our times. It’s a different perspective from the one school and work has taught us these days.
Do not compete but grow together!
She says that completion is so 90s and I couldn’t agree more, instead the word for these days is collaboration. On Instagram with live, with your blog, on youtube, Tik Tok itself has the duet possibility, with twitter, with everything you can collaborate.
A good side note on this books is that is also a work-book, meaning you have pages with questions and space to answer and take notes. She is a life coach after all, remember?

“I love empowering women and helping them to rise to success.”
Cara Alwill Leyba
Perfect for: bloggers and biz owners

Wow! These 5 blogging books are my favourite for any blogger or biz owner out there. They have completely changed my way of working because they give me the strength and permission to go after my dreams. All 5 books tell you ‘you are not alone’ in wanting more, dreaming big and be true to yourself.
So create a note on your phone with this book list:
- The New Fashion Rules by inthefrow
- It by Alexa Chung
- InstaStyle by Tezza
- Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso
- Girl Code by Cara Alwill Leyba
But I haven’t finished yet!! I have been reading quite a lot during this quarantine and I have prepared an extra PDF with 3 books perfect to level up your blogging game or your business mindset.

How to receive the PDF?
Subscribe to my mailing list in order to immediately get the Password for my Free Resource Library. The Book PDF will be there alongside more blogging and photography resources FREE for you to access! Subscribe below, receive the password, enter the password and you are half-way on becoming a BOSS!
The business mindset I follow is this one: ‘Human first, Boss second’ and these 3 books I recommend you in the PDF follow this line. Their importance is beyond compare and trust me when I say they will change your perspective, especially one. The subjects are self-development, inspiration, blogging life, marketing and psychology.
So after all my books suggestions, I wanna know which book will you suggest me to read? (not necessarily business-oriented – I love fiction as well!!)
Let me know in the comments.

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