ferrara and its countryside 35mminstyle

What to see in Ferrara and its Countryside, Italy

ferrara, italy: top things to see
I am finding myself trying to write down my top places if you ever come to Italy and go to see my hometown and it is harder than I thought. Of course I can’t be impartial and you won’t find the most touristic spots because I am used to them and it would be so obvious to see, go and have a look at those monuments. I will just mention them. Anyway, first really valuable information is that Ferrara is in the centre of Italy, 50km up north of Bologna and south of Venice, to give you an idea.

What To See in Ferrara and its Countryside

We have a Renaissance Castle in the centre of the town, called Castello Estense, which you can visit it; Medieval Walls around the whole city where you can walk or run and a beautiful museum called Palazzo dei Diamanti because the surface is made of triangles shaped like diamonds. Legend is that inside one of them there is an actual diamond. Problem is, if you destroy the wrong one, you get thousands of years of bad luck! Totally up to you!
Nonetheless, I want to make clear I am not a proper citizen but a simple country girl, so this post will be dedicated to Ferrara as much as to its countryside and the little villages around. Let’s get started!


Top Places To See

Parco Massari 

It is a small park situated in the centre of Ferrara and it is very old. The trees inside are quite old as well but you can climb them, and wander around in this magical place but don’t try to get into the fountain because it is not pleasant (believe me!).

marco massari nebbia ferrara
We live in the fog for almost all autumn/winter months as you can say from these pics. I hate it for the humidity but it is pretty good for pictures. The photographer side inside me is pretty grateful for it!!
parco massari ferrara
Of course I love this park because I have so many memories here. Starting when I was a kid and we came here after school to play and it seemed such a huge park! Then during high school, I came again and every year on the last day of school, it was common for the guys in your class to throw all the girls in the fountain. I am laughing now but it was pretty disgusting. There were/are fish in the water.
parco massari ferrara

The Medieval Streets

Ferrara is very old and to keep it short, it has mainly two types of architecture. One is the Medieval side that you can see in these pictures. Very old houses, with painting on the ceilings inside, old streets, walls made of dark brown/reddish bricks.
medieval street in Ferrara
In history, the Middle Age has always been my favorite to study. There are so many streets that look like these ones in Ferrara, I will name a few:  Via Terranova, Via Ragno, Via Vignatagliata, Via Colomba, Via Croce Bianca, etc.
medieval ferrara
via delle volte ferrara
The most famous one is Via delle Volte (pic above), meaning the Archs Street, where at the time was the place for prostitutes and illegal businesses. Now it is a scenic view made of lights and shadows.
house wall in ferrara
And then you have the second façade of Ferrara, which is its Renaissance part, newest (build in the 16th century) and it goes from the castle to the north walls. (It seems I am speaking like a Game of Thrones character, but it is simply like it!!) The scenery is completely different, the medieval streets are narrower,  with lots of curves, shady corners, instead in the Renaissance part everything is straight and clean. Have a look a Corso Ercole I d’Este. I honestly love both sides.

Piazza Ariostea

This is at the top of my list. I have spent my primary and secondary school there. My friends all used to live near by and this is the best place to run and hide.  And it is spectacular, at dawn like below, and any other time of the day. I would mention that every year in May there is a representation called Palio with people dressing up as old lords and ladies. I won’t say anything else because I am against it, since the idea is good but it is too exclusive. The competion between the different factions is ridiculous and they all believe they are the best. Blah!
piazza ariostea at dawn
The column is fundamental because every group of friends leaves its mark written on it. Don’t worry every now and the then they paint it white again. You can climb up there, it is very relaxing and unique. So definitely a place to visit.
piazza ariostea ferrara

Piazzetta S.Nicolò

This is a new addition to the list because I have discovered the existence of this central spot only two years ago. In the desecrated church below, they now do concerts and music. But I love the external part more. It is slightly abandoned and I ADORE anything in ruin, plus it is a very calming place.
piazzetta s.niccolò ferrara
I have pretty nice memories here as well, from a New Year’s Eve spent in the cold outside, to summer evenings and to nights dedicated to photography.
Via Colomba, Ferrara


Chiesuol Del Fosso

This is my place, I love endless fields, I love the green, and the yellow in the summer, every tree and every plant. Chiesuol del Fosso was a proper village once, now it is just some houses on the edge of town. It hasn’t got any center, no social or cultural life happening there. It is quiet and going to be abandoned more and more. And that is why I will keep loving it.

chiesuol del fosso sunset
A deep sunset happening last summer. Unfortunately my camera wasn’t prepared for such a view. And below it is the scenery behind my house. I don’t know what to say maybe I will let you know that my grandparents have planted strawberries this year for my immense joy!
countryside ferrara


This is a small village near my place (near, like 10km or more). I have spent veery big celebrations here because it is where family friends live. Plus, the picture below captures a gas station and the place where my grampa used to go or still goes to fix agricultural issues. I love it so much because it feels to be back in the 50s/60s where nothing has changed. This pictures was taken on a Sunday afternoon that’s why everything is closed.
s.martino ferrara


This is the place where I used to go when a was little to see the Carnival. Nowadays I am very drown to someone who lives there and the landscape surely helps.

poggio renatico countryside
I asked him to take me to abandoned places and he decided to tour around old houses in the countryside. I was amazed.
campagna poggio renatico


Here it is the only fashion pic of this post!! ahah!  Bondeno is another little village this time 30km  away from Ferrara (there is an awesome bike-way to do back and forth!!) and it is where my mum works. I have been there so many times and I find it so cute.

fashion blogger bondeno
It has all the characteristics of an Emilian old village of workers. Tons of churches, old factories, small shop and a concentrated centre. And way too many pharmacies.
macina bondeno ferrara

Delizie Estensi

Little historic excursus: the Rennaisance family who lived in Ferrara’s castle were the Estensi, who had the brilliant idea to build various palaces around the nearby countryside. So in the summer, they moved the whole court there to spend time relaxing, gambling, listening and watching plays. (It’s like New Yorkes going to the Hamptons in the summer!)


This is one of the few I have seen. It is actually the last discover. There is this old building and behind a very nice garden.

delizia del benvignante, ferrara
This is what you can find in front of the building, different times but still beautiful. Other delizie are called: Delizia di Fossadalbero, Delizia del Belriguardo, Delizia del Verginese, more info here.
countryside ferrara


This a little town near the sea and it could remind of Venice for all the canals. Obviously it is smaller and it is a fisherman town. Surely it is one and only, pretty particular and worth a visit. You can tell from the pics.
tre ponti di comacchio
Above it’s called Trepponti di Comacchio, it is a curios bridge and they do a fashion runaway every summer there. Below instead you have a MINTY green house – they are not common in Italy.  I went there during Xmas time, in fact you can catch a little Santa climbing the balcony of the house 😀
comacchio houses
So I guess I have shown around my town and my beloved countryside. I am attracted to big cities but even more I am fond an endless fields, rough and wild territories.
Let me know if you have ever been or if you want more information just comment below!!(:
xo Cate
& let’s be blog friends

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