Fashion is the highway of Manifestation and healing the Sacred Feminine
I truly believe that Fashion is the highway of Manifestation and a precious tool to heal the Scared Feminine. Here I share with you my experience. So let me explain.
And what come running to our aid?
Fashion. Dressing like the version we want to be – our future version which is still us – is truly a highway to the process of manifestation.
“Fake it until you make it” without the Imposter sindrome.
Because in doing that, you are still you, you are embracing and acting as the future you. It’s no fake joke, it’s real. You are acting as your future higher self.
In this way you are telling the Universe “hello, I am feeling THAT girl already, come help me” and it replies, believe me.

My Experience of Fashion as a higher tool
I have always hidden my most feminine side, I always loved to look a mix in-between classical style & grunge. I did it to avoid people commenting that I was the classic Barbie style.
But it went deeper than this. I know it now.
I refuse to dress girly (as I truly love – my Venus is in Taurus = a very old school romantic style) because I fear my feminine side. I feared that if I let it out, I would be weak.
All my life, since I was a child I saw women acting like women (caring, sweet, supportive) as WEAK and not POWERFUL. And I couldn’t allow myself to be weak. Instead I saw women acting like men being feared.
I was an only child, so I felt it harder, I felt like I had to fight every single day, to show the world that I could be strong as men. Because women weren’t strong.
At least, that’s what I gathered subconsciously and took with me ever since, without questioning it until now.
(I am very aware that this mentality is one that started my disease, my endo, not the only one but a big one).

Healing the sacred feminine
In order to heal myself and my endo, it’s 1 year that I am doing a lot of internal & external work. And now I have arrived at the closure of a chapter: healing my sacred feminine.
Now I see how the sacred feminine is powerful, holy and strong. Definitely not weak. It’s strong in its own way, in a gentler way.
Last month while reading some oracle cards, I got this “epiphany” and I started thinking about how everything was connected: my endo & my feminine side.
So I started putting to work this idea by starting to dress more like my future self aware of its feminine powers would do.
Yes, I stopped hiding my feminine side, which is parte of me and something I truly love. In fact I love dressing nicely and girly with a countryside aesthetic.
Think Lydia Millen mixed with Victoria of inthefrow. Girly but with an edge.
That’s the style that represents me & my higher self.
A few final words
Having said that, fashion can help heal this issue for me, it helps me being the empowered, mystical & classical women I want to be. Fashion is a highway to Manifesting this for me.
And if you have trouble accepting your sweet & powerful feminine side, well style can help you feel and perform the higher version of yourself with ease.
Try to do this: think how you want to feel, how the future you wants to feel.
- I wanted to feel: empowered + mystical + classical.
- Then I looked for ladies to inspire & copy their looks: Lydia & Victoria.
- Inspired Action: I clean up my wardrobe & I started slowly to add pieces more in line with that look.
- I now dress as an empowered strong feminine women because I consciously know this is how I wanna feel, no matter what people, society & family say or think.
I really hope this post can be of inspiration to start looking inwards to those unanswered questions that are utterly important.
How do you treat your sacred feminine side? Do you hide it like I did or do you embrace it as I am doing now?
Let me know. with love, Cate