The Importance of Feeling Magical

The importance of feeling magical is dedicated to female strength. I can’t help it but I feel like I need to write about how I feel when I am beyond or behind the camera.

The Importance of Feeling Magical
Location: Cassana, FE | Photography: eli+bonz | Edits: 35mminstyle | Camera: Canon 5D Mark II |
I have never asked myself why I loved having pictures of me taken. It happens that I am quite a shy person but I love seeing myself in photos, having a record of what I am doing, of that moment and to have the control of set-up and colors. Because yes, post-editing is such a delight for me.
Everything let me to think how important it is to feel magical and this happens every time I do a fashion shoot. It’s not just wearing a dress, it’s the atmosphere, the moment and how I am in a very specific time. And I don’t see it shallow at all, but somehow more as a way of processing my insecurities. Being in front of a camera for someone who prefers hiding, well, it’s proving to anybody (more to myself) how we flow within nature and society.

what I am wearing: Stradivarius Gypsy Dress / ASOS Boots / Zara Coat / H&M Hat
I have talked with you a little of mental health on ‘Embracing Weaknesses‘ but not completely. I am not ready yet. All I understand is that the magic that a picture takes out is something I need. Someday more than others. On another perspective is letting a part of me free. Even if the master is just my head.
Having said that I want to suggest you a wholesale women clothing site with a lot of boho dresses that will come handy in a few months. Actually my mind is already in springtime mood so everything I am planning for the future has a festival-boho vibe.
Such as the dress I am showing you in these pictures, I want something in between gypsy and grunge. I am thinking whites, creams, crochet and flowers in the hair. Of course a wholesale women clothing would facilitate me in my research.
And you? Do you have something planned?